6 Essential Tips On Caring For Your Senior Dog

Age catches up to our geriartic canine companions as it does to everyone. It’s the circle of life that repeats itself in every living being and it’s our duty to make this transition as smooth as possible for our furry friends. Canine care in these sunset years is crucial; we need to care for our older companions as we take care of ageing family members- all it takes is love and sensitivity. 

Here are a few essential tips that can help you take care of your senior pets:

  • Keep them active

Old dogs struggle to display the energy and effervescence of their younger selves. Instead, in their later years, they struggle with a slowing metabolism, loss of appetite and other illnesses that ail their daily movement. That said, it’s important to keep them moving and active for a good portion of time every day. Spend time with them outdoors, stick to a daily routine of taking a walk after meals and play a gentle sport or two whenever possible. Consistent exercise will keep their heart healthy and spirits high!

  • Maintain a nutritious diet

As dogs grow older, they tend to shed a fair bit of muscle mass, along with joint and muscle pain that only get amplified with age. To solve these problems, your dog care routine must include a complete and balanced diet, loaded with the optimal proportions of protein, fibre, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals required by dogs as they age.

  • Visit the vet

Although this suggestion may not exactly seem like music to your pet’s ears, we are not equipped to catch early signs of illnesses and afflictions that the vet can. This is especially important as their immunity drops and they grow vulnerable to complicated health ailments. As a caretaker, you must schedule a routine visit to the vet to keep all these concerns at bay- after all, early detection is key to a speedy recovery. 

  • Make changes to your home

Certain surfaces in the home need to be altered to care for your ageing pet whose eyesight is deteriorating. This is a critical part of senior dog care. Reduce your dog’s exposure to pointed/sharp surfaces as well as slippery surfaces. Keep your home clutter-free to eliminate the chances of indoor incidents.

  • Keep them out of trouble

While younger dogs often attract conflict among dogs their age, and recover rapidly with a wound or two while keeping their spirits intact, older dogs may not have the same odds. Make sure that your senior dog stays out of fights with other canines in the home and those outside as far as possible.

  • Be there for your dog

Old age is a hard thing for most of us to fathom, but it can be especially hard-hitting for our canine friends. As heartbreaking as it may get from time to time, try to be there for your ageing pet as much as possible. Spend time around them, even if you’re not doing much. Your dog will cherish this more than you can imagine.

Lastly, be patient. Your dog may struggle with incontinence and might have more accidents than before. Try not to lose your cool and shout. Take a gentle and reassuring tone with them instead.