How To Prepare For Your Puppy’s First Visit To The Vet

So you’ve just welcomed your puppy home. Your little fur-baby is counting on you for good food, fun playtime and regular health checkups. To keep your pup healthy and growing well, you will need to schedule regular vet visits for vaccinations and check-ups. Understandably, you’ve probably got a lot of questions about your puppy’s first visit to the vet and we’d be glad to answer them.

When Should I First Take My Puppy To The Vet?

The breeder, rescuer or shelter where you got your little bundle of fur may already have taken them to the vet, in which case you should ask them for any deworming, vaccination or health records. Ask other pet parents for recommendations of good vets in your area and take your pup to them within the first few days.

What Should I Bring With Me?

Bring along your puppy’s previous vaccination records or health details. Remember to mention if your dog has travelled from another part of the country or world; if you’ve noticed any particular behaviour patterns, and if their appetite and digestion are good. Carry along a list of questions and concerns you have. It also makes sense to carry along a stool sample so that it can be checked for parasites.

Apart from this, you may also want to bring along treats and a toy to keep your puppy entertained and motivated. Forming positive associations will make future vet visits a breeze!

What Should I Ask The Vet?

On your first vet visit, you will probably get a detailed schedule of your pet’s vaccinations and check-ups. You should ask your vet about your puppy's diet, exercise, play, training  and socialisation requirements. What dental care and grooming they need, and what their flea, tick, heartworm and internal parasite control protocols should be. It’s also a good idea to talk to them about reproductive health, including the benefits and risks of spaying or neutering.

Additionally, pet parents should educate themselves about the warning signs they should look out for which signal an emergency, such as diarrhea, lack of appetite, listlessness etc. And let’s not forget, there are certain diseases that can spread from humans to pets and vice versa, so you should ask about the precautions you should take! 

What Should I Expect?

During a typical vet visit, your puppy’s weight, body temperature, pulse, and breathing patterns will be checked. Your vet will observe your puppy’s movement and thoroughly examine their eyes, ears, nose, feet, nails, skin, coat, genitalia, teeth, gums, lymph nodes, joints, abdominal organs, and will check their reflexes. All this will give your vet a clear idea if your puppy is healthy and developing normally.

As a pet parent, it’s vital that you take your pet for regular vet visits to ensure a long, happy, healthy and active life. With this checklist, we hope we’ve answered your questions about your puppy’s first veterinarian appointment.

If you have any further questions about your puppy’s first visit to the vet, send us your queries here.