About Us

World For All Animal Care & Adoptions is a Mumbai-based animal welfare organisation, that has revolutionised the model of stray animal adoptions. Apart from adoptions, the NGO also conducts rescues and sterilisations of the stray animal population.
The organization is an endeavor to see every element of nature coming together to form a very simple coexistence. As the very first cause, and one that is closest to our heart, we started out with ‘animals’. Life forms that are needy, and deserving of help and support. We feel that everyone must think in the direction of universal love and mutual respect. It is this, that we aim to inculcate in every mind in our country, and of course, hopefully followed by the world, A World For All.
We believe that as a more able and powerful species, and in keeping with the thought of ‘peace on earth and goodwill to living kind’, we must nurture those that require help and assistances to survival. We invite and encourage interested people to join this endeavor.
World For All started in 2009 as the only animal welfare organization focusing on rescued Indian breed adoptions. With an average of 10- 15 animals adopted monthly, WFA does over 320 adoptions annually. All these animals are rescued as orphaned, injured or disabled and find homes with loving families. We have carried out all kinds of adoptions from younger to older animals, able and disabled rescues all over the city and across states and countries! WFA has been instrumental in changing the mindsets of the Indian population steering them to adopt our local Indian Breed animals.

6 Pet(s) Available

Bubbaa image 0


Juvenile <6 to12 months>


Bubba image 0


Young adult <13 to 24 months>


Delilah image 0


Juvenile <6 to12 months>


Pepper image 0


Puppy <0 to 5month>


Pasta image 0


Juvenile <6 to12 months>


Barfi image 0


Juvenile <6 to12 months>


Adoption Journey


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